JAST publishes peer-reviewed and original researched in an open access format. The journal evaluates the research methods of each article for validity and accepts articles on the basis of the research. JAST’s articles are professionally edited to ensure international quality.
Authors who submit their articles to JAST will receive broad distribution including both online and printed publishing platforms, and the journal is the best resource for students and professionals who follow aviation studies.
JAST also published short reports, reviews, reports presented in conferences and workshops. All papers published in JAST are reviewed by the Editorial Board members or by its appointed reviewers.
You can download the JAST template from here.
The scope of the JAST includes, but not limited to, the following topics:
Journal of Aviation Science & Technology
Journal of Aviation Science and Technology (JAST) is an open access, peer reviewed international academic journal published by Vietnam Aviation Academy (VAA), Vietnam in 2021. VAA provides a premium publication outlet for scholars, industry stakeholders, government entities and students. The editorial focus is on current issues of the aviation, aeronautics, aerospace and technological development segments. Submitted articles are relevant to various topics including the business, strategy, education, policy, regulation, law, safety, logistics and air cargo, air traffic control, airline and airport operations, intermodal transport, science and technology in the aviation industry.
JAST publishes two following types of articles:
JAST uses a peer-reviewed, double-blind process to evaluate academic articles by international expetise reviewers from different organizations in order to maintain consistent quality.
JAST invites papers for Vol. 3 No. 1 which is scheduled to be published on June 1st, 2024. The last date of submission: May 1st, 2024. However, earlier submissions are appreciated and will be afforded preference in terms of review and publication.
The journal is published in English both in print and online. JAST anticipates the assignment of a DOI number for publication in 2024.
Please submit your manuscript on JAST's website https://www.vaajast.org
For further information concerning author guidelines, please visit the official website of the journal www.vaajast.org or email the Managing Editor at editor.jast@vaa.edu.vn
Sincerely yours,
Assoc. Professor Dr. Tran Hoai An
Journal of Aviation Science & Technology