Associate Professor Dr. Tran Hoai An

Chairman of Vietnam Aviation Academy's Council
Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Aviation Science & Technology
Vietnam Aviation Academy


Dr. Nguyen The Hoang

Dean of Aerospace Engineering Faculty
Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Aviation Science & Technology
Vietnam Aviation Academy


Dr. Tran Thi Quynh Nhu

Lecturer of Aerospace Engineering Faculty
Editorial Manager of Journal of Aviation Science & Technology
Vietnam Aviation Academy


Associate Professor Dr. Le Tuan Phuong Nam

Lecturer of Aerospace Engineering Faculty
Editorial Member of Journal of Aviation Science & Technology
Vietnam Aviation Academy


Associate Professor Dr. Phan Duc Hung

Lecturer of Construction Faculty
Editorial Member of Journal of Aviation Science & Technology
Vietnam Aviation Academy


Dr. Bui Nhat Vuong

Head of Technology Science & International Cooperation Department

Head of Human resources Management, Faculty of Business Administration

Editorial Manager of Journal of Aviation Science & Technology

General Secretary of Journal of Aviation Science & Technology
Vietnam Aviation Academy


Dr. Pham Cong Thanh

Head of Automation Department
Editorial Member of Journal of Aviation Science & Technology
Vietnam Aviation Academy


Dr. Nguyen Luong Anh Tuan

Head of Information Technology Faculty
Editorial Member of Journal of Aviation Science & Technology
Vietnam Aviation Academy


Associate Professor Dr. Adam Voak

Strategic Adviser

Editorial Manager of Journal of Aviation Science & Technology

Vietnam Aviation Academy


Dr. Nguyen Thi Hai Hang

President of Vietnam Aviation Academy
Head of Air Transport Economics Faculty
Vietnam Aviation Academy

Professor Dr. Hà Nam Khánh Giao

Vice President of Vietnam Aviation Academy
Dean of Business Administration Faculty
Vietnam Aviation Academy

Professor Dr. Frank Fichert

Professor of Economics and Transportation
Vice Dean of the Department of Tourism and Travel     
Program Director Aviation Management and Piloting (B.Scc.).
HS Worms

Professor Dr. Richard Klophaus

Professor of Business Management, Transportation and Logistics
Program director Aviation Management (B.A.)
Program director Air Traffic Management (B.Sc.)
Executive director Competence Center Aviation Management (CAAM)
HS Worms

Professor Dr. Tobias Grosche

Member of German Aviation Research Society (GARS)
Member of Air Transport Research Socety (ATRS). 
Member of Airline Group of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (AGIFORS)                           
HS Worms

Professor Dr. Duong Quang Trung

Full Professor and Chair of Telecommunications
Professor,  School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Wireless Communication Systems   
Institute of Electronics, Communications and Information Technology  
Queen's University Belfast

Associate Professor Dr. Tan Bui (-Thanh)

Vice President of the SIAM Texas-Louisiana Section
Associate Editor of the SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
Editorial Board member of the Elsevier Computers & Mathematics with Applications – Associate
Editor of the Elsevier Journal of Computational Physics
Leader of Pho-Ices Group – Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics - The Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences
The University of Texas at Austin


Journal of Aviation Science and Technology (JAST) is an open access, peer reviewed international academic journal published by Vietnam Aviation Academy (VAA), Vietnam in 2021. VAA provides a premium publication outlet for scholars, industry stakeholders, government entities and students. The editorial focus is on current issues of the aviation, aeronautics, aerospace and technological development segments. Submitted articles are relevant to various topics including the business, strategy, education, policy, regulation, law, safety, logistics and air cargo, air traffic control, airline and airport operations, intermodal transport, sciences and technology in the aviation industry.

Vietnam Aviation Academy (VAA) was established in 1979 and is an only state-owned educational organization operating under the Ministry of Transport of Vietnam. Our mission aims to produce a world-class workforce through aviation training, conduct cutting-edge scientific researched, and transfer of avation technologies. In the process of integrating the global aviation industry, we start to produce and manage a high quality international standard scientific journal for scholars, industry stakeholders, goverment entities and students who are learning and working in the aviation industry.

As a result, we would like to invite selective international scholars and professors with profound expertise in Aviation, Logistics, Economics and Business from accredited universities to join out Editorial Board by joining hands to leverage the aviation image of Vietnam. Therefore, we hope to have your precious competences and contributions by assisitng us to review the scientific articles for pusblishing, thereby to maintain the consistent quality for the journal starting from the initial stage. We would also welcome your valuable advice on establishing a premium publication outlet to affirm our position in the aviation industry as well as in the academic discipline.