Who Can Submit?

Anyone may submit an original article to be considered for publication in Journal of Aviation Science and Technology provided he or she owns the copyright to the work being submitted or is authorized by the copyright owner or owners to submit the article.

General Submission Rules

Submitted articles cannot have been previously published, nor be forthcoming in an archival journal or book (print or electronic). By submitting material to Journal of Aviation Science and Technology, the author is stipulating that the material is not currently under review at another journal (electronic or print) and that he or she will not submit the material to another journal (electronic or print) until the completion of the editorial decision process at Journal of Aviation Science and Technology.


All papers submitted to Journal of Aviatin Science and Technology should be detected with an antiplagiarism software tool (Turnitin). Authors that submit plagiarized work may be banned from submitting to the journal in the future.

Reviewing Policy

A double-blind peer review process is applied by JAST. The reviewing process consists of three basic stages: (i) preliminary estimate; (ii) peer reviewing; and (iii) approval.

Stage 1: Preliminary estimate

Upon receiving the paper, JAST office confirms its arrival by email before it is preliminarily estimated in terms of scope, structure, contents and formatting of the text. Possible results of this stage are:

  • The paper meets sufficient criteria and the author(s) is/are informed that it will be sent to reviewers.
  • The paper falls short of criteria: If its shortcomings are not serious, revision and resubmission are recommended. Otherwise, it is desk-rejected and an appropriate notice will be sent to author(s).  

The JAST office confirms the arrival of the paper within three working days and informs its author(s) of results of this preliminary estimate within five working days after receiving the paper.  

Stage 2: Peer-reviewing

The paper is given a code number and sent to two reviewers, whose comments focus on the followings:

  1. Structure and presentation of the paper,
  2. Appropriateness of theories applied by the research,
  3. Methods used by author(s),
  4. Reliability of research data, and
  5. Theoretical and practical significance of the paper.

Reviewers’ conclusions and recommendations may be:

  1. Accepted: The paper can be published without revision.
  2. Revisions required: The paper needs minor/major revisions and can be resubmitted for the second round of review.
  3. Rejected: The paper is not published by JAST.

The author(s) revise(s) the paper as suggested by reviewers and resubmit(s) it for the second round of review. Conclusion from this round is either “accepted” or “rejected”.

Reviewers will give comments on the paper received from the JAST office within 21 days (the duration could be shortened in certain cases). 

The author(s) has/have two weeks after receiving reviewers’ comments to revise and resubmit the paper (the duration could be shortened in certain cases).

In sum, the reviewing process may last three months after the paper is sent to reviewers to produce the final decision.

Stage 3: Approval

JAST editorial leaders make the final decision (the paper accepted or rejected for publication) when:

 (1) The paper is approved by reviewers:

  1. If the editorial leaders agree with reviewers, the author(s) will be notified of this decision and the paper is included in the waiting list.
  2. Otherwise, another referee will be asked to settle the disagreement.

 (2) The paper is declined by reviewers: The case would be then the same as (1).

Accordingly, it takes the JAST office one to four months, after the paper is sent for the reviewing process, to reach the final decision and inform the author(s) of the results.

 Publishing Policy

The paper, after its being accepted for publication, is sent to copyeditors who may make adjustments to its style, presentation, and formatting. Author(s) can be required to help with this process and is properly notified of any major changes.

  1. Step 1 - Copyediting: Necessary changes or adjustments are made to the format, style, language, and presentation according to JAST criteria.
  2. Step 2 - Manuscript presentation: Copyeditors adjust format and layout of the paper in its electronic version, and also check for any possible mistakes and plagiarism before saving it in relevant folders for future consultation.
  3. Step 3 - Proof reading: The paper is printed for proof reading by copyeditors and managing editor (ME) before being sent to the layout technician (LT).
  4. Step 4 - Review of first-round proof: LT employs design properties to present the paper according to the standard format set by the JAST office and has it printed. This copy is called the first-round proof. It is then reviewed carefully by copyeditors and ME. All necessary information about the paper should be in place now, such as article history, abstract and keywords in English. After the review, the first-round proof is sent back to LT.
  5. Step 5 - Review of the second-round proof: LT makes corrections as instructed and produces the second-round proof. Copyeditors compare such with the first proof to detect possible mistakes. The proof is checked again by the ME before it is returned to the LT.
  6. Step 6 - Decision on table of contents of the new journal issue: After all articles are well reviewed and arranged, the ME and his assistant draft the table of contents and all articles included in the issue are printed and paginated (this copy is called third-round proof) before being submitted to editorial leaders and ME for approval. Last rearrangement and adjustments are made if need be before relevant documents are sent to the printing house.
  7. Step 7 - Final check: The third-round proof, subject to the editorial leaders’ approval, is sent to the LT, who will then turn it into pdf format and have it sent to the printing house along with the cover design prepared by the ME. At the same time the final proof in .doc/docx is sent to JAST administrator for filing.

Duration for copyeditors to complete steps from 2 to 5 is at most two working days each. Duration for LT to carry out steps from 4 to 7 is at most one working day each. Duration for the Stage 4 (preparations for publishing) varies from 10 to 15 working days, starting from reception of the accepted articles

Call for Papers

Journal of Aviation Science & Technology

Journal of Aviation Science and Technology (JAST) is an open access, peer reviewed international academic journal published by Vietnam Aviation Academy (VAA), Vietnam in 2021. VAA provides a premium publication outlet for scholars, industry stakeholders, government entities and students. The editorial focus is on current issues of the aviation, aeronautics, aerospace and technological development segments. Submitted articles are relevant to various topics including the business, strategy, education, policy, regulation, law, safety, logistics and air cargo, air traffic control, airline and airport operations, intermodal transport, science and technology in the aviation industry.

JAST publishes two following types of articles:

  • A Full Original Research: presenting new research results from original research guaranteeing scientific quality, or proposing new conceptual framework, case studies, empirical research, technical notes, analytical and simulation models, methodologies, and solutions.
  • A Brief Communication: published results are not sufficient to constitute a complete article and some details may not be published until the authors write a full original research manuscript.

JAST uses a peer-reviewed, double-blind process to evaluate academic articles by international expetise reviewers from different organizations in order to maintain consistent quality.

JAST invites papers for Vol. 3 No. 1 which is scheduled to be published on June 1st, 2024. The last date of submission: May 1st, 2024. However, earlier submissions are appreciated and will be afforded preference in terms of review and publication.

The journal is published in English both in print and online. JAST anticipates the assignment of a DOI number for publication in 2024.

Please submit your manuscript on JAST's website https://www.vaajast.org

For further information concerning author guidelines, please visit the official website of the journal www.vaajast.org or email the Managing Editor at editor.jast@vaa.edu.vn

Sincerely yours,

Assoc. Professor Dr. Tran Hoai An


Journal of Aviation Science & Technology